The Birds Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Birds? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. After the gas station explosion, what is the camera's point of view?

Down at a ground-level view of the fire
High above the town for a bird's-eye view of the action
Inside the Brenner house
Inside Tippi Hedren's brain
Q. What's the typical Hitchcock heroine like?

Good at math
Blonde and beautiful
Interested in politics
Obsessed with Katy Perry
Q. How did Hitchcock create the scene of the birds coming down the chimney?

He fed drugs to the birds to excite them.
He used killer bees to impersonate sparrows.
He used animated birds.
He used electronic, remote-controlled birds.
Q. How did Hitchcock create the scene with the crows on the jungle gym?

The crows are animated.
The crows were trained by the greatest bird trainer in the country.
Some of the crows are real; others are stuffed or puppets.
The crows were tied to the jungle gym.
Q. Just before the seagull attacks her in the boat, what does Melanie do?

She whistles like a bird.
She roasts a quail on the hibachi.
She sets the boat on fire.
She tilts her head like a bird.