The Book of the City of Ladies Book 2, Chapter 26-30 Summary

  • Lady Rectitude isn't quite done offering examples of women whose ability to keep secrets helped them save their husbands' lives. One woman named Curia helped hide her husband in her bed sheets, although she knew she'd be killed if the soldiers found him there.
  • Other men who once conspired to kill a Roman emperor believed so much in women's discretion that they had all their secret meetings in the home of a woman. That's because they knew she'd never tell anyone, and she ended up withstanding terrible torture for the sake of keeping their secret.
  • Once Christine has heard enough, she tells Lady Rectitude that with all the evidence she's heard, she's surprised that many male authors brutally criticize men who follow their wives' advice.
  • Rectitude answers that women, like men, are not all wise; but many of them are. Rectitude is quick to lay down several examples of men who could have avoided horrible fates if they'd just listened to their wives. She follows this by giving examples of men who were given good fortune because they listened to their wives.
  • Christine says that she can now see how much the world has benefited from having smart women around. And yet so many men argue that everything bad in the world has come from women.
  • Lady Rectitude simply repeats her earlier point about the Virgin Mary bringing Jesus Christ into the world and thus saving everyone's soul from Hell (sort of). And let's not forget the mother of Moses, who placed him among reeds and found a way to save him. He'd go on to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt and free them.