The Book of the City of Ladies Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Alas, God, why did You not let me be born in the world as a man, so that all my inclinations would be to serve You better, and so that I would not stray in anything and would be as perfect as a man is said to be? (1.1.2)

Toward the beginning of this book, Christine de Pizan has so much despair about being a woman that she wishes she were a man so she could serve God better. Luckily though, a visit from the three magical sisters shows her that she can serve God just as well as a woman.

Quote #2

No, it was the noblest substance which had ever been created: it was from the body of man from which God made woman. (1.9.2)

Whenever men try to say that God hates women, Christine de Pizan replies that if God hated women, why did he make women out of men? Here, she's referring to the Bible story about how Eve was made from the rib of Adam.

Quote #3

[Ovid] was castrated and disfigured because of his faults. (1.9.2)

There was once a famous Roman poet named Ovid who was so sexually promiscuous that the Roman government had to banish him from their country. But then the dude came back and started sleeping with women again, so they castrated him. After that, it became kind of hard for him to have sex.