Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Otto, Nigel, and Rannulf

It takes a village, you know? And Otto, Nigel, and Rannulf tag-team mentoring Edmund as he picks his way through the world. Prior to our story, Edmund was raised by Otto, who was a father figure (1.18). When Otto loses a hand, though, Nigel not only saves Edmund's life, but takes the time to make sure that his squire stays on task: "Did you think it would be easy? Did you think it would be a game for boys, wooden swords and warriors stuffed with hay?" (34.25). And Edmund learns a whole lot of wisdom from Rannulf since they spend the most time together.

Think of it this way: Otto raises Edmund, then Nigel trains him physically while Rannulf helps him develop mentally. Go team.