The Breadwinner Chapter 13 Summary

  • Parvana doesn't understand why Nooria wants to marry someone she's never met.
  • Oh Parvana, you are such a worrywart—of course Nooria's met her fiancé; he was their neighbor years ago.
  • Plus Nooria is pretty psyched for her new life. She will live in Mazar-e-Sharif, a place where there is no Taliban and schools for girls—she can even go to the university.
  • The plan is outlined in a letter from the groom's family.
  • Parvana asks her sister if she is positively sure she wants to go through with this arranged marriage, and Nooria has no doubts. There is no life for her in Kabul, but in Mazar she will be free from burqas and babysitting. For Nooria, it's a no-brainer.
  • While Parvana is out at the market bringing home the bacon, the family makes plans.
  • They will travel to Mazur and stay with an aunt, then after the wedding in October, they will return to Kabul.
  • Parvana worries that her father will be released from prison and find an empty house, but she doesn't need to worry about this since Mrs. Weera will stay at the apartment.
  • With a stamp of her foot though, Parvana announces that she isn't going.
  • Mother is taken aback by Parvana's attitude. Who does she think she's talking to?
  • Mother wonders if Parvana's job has made her think she is all that and a bag of chips, but Parvana just stamps her feet and shouts again that she's not going.
  • Mother says if she has so much energy she'd better go fetch some water, which Parvana does, though she also slams the door on her way out in order to get the final word.
  • After moping around for three days, Parvana gets her way—Mother decides to leave Parvana in Kabul—but once she does, Parvana pouts because the family isn't bringing her with them. Nothing makes her happy anymore.
  • Shauzia knows how she feels. She once thought that selling off of trays would be the answer to all of their problems, but her family still fights.
  • While Nooria packs her things, Parvana asks her if she is scared, saying, "It's a long journey" (13.26).
  • Of course Nooria is worried, and she keeps thinking of everything that can wrong, but Mother reassures her that they will be safe together in the back of a truck.
  • The next day, Parvana shops for their trip, and buys Nooria a going away present—a pen in a beaded case for her to use as a student and later as a teacher.
  • Mother reminds Parvana to mind her manners for Mrs. Weera, and Mrs. Weera tells Mother that their magazine will be ready to distribute by the time they return at the end of the summer.
  • When it comes time to say good-bye, Mother tells Parvana "make me proud of you" (13.34), and Nooria admits that she doesn't know when she'll see Parvana again.
  • Parvana fights back tears, but manages to slam her sister one last time—she tells Nooria she will be back soon because her husband will send her back when he realizes she is bossy. Ah, sisters.
  • After the family leaves, it is weird being home with just Mrs. Weera and her grandchild.
  • Parvana decides to take a look at Father's hidden books, and they read and listen to Mrs. Weera's stories at night.
  • Mrs. Weera tells Parvana that she knows she's old enough to take care of herself—heck, some kids Parvana's age are having babies—but if she ever needs anything she should just ask.
  • Mrs. Weera also thinks that Parvana should keep some of her own money, so now Parvana treats Shauzia to lunch at the market sometimes.
  • One day later in the summer, Kabul gets hit with a strong rainstorm; Shauzia dodges it just in time, but Parvana gets stuck in the thick of it.
  • Then something weird happens: while hiding from the rain, she finds shelter in a building and she falls asleep; it's late when she wakes up… and she hears the "sound of a woman crying" (13.49).