The Breadwinner Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Most people in Afghanistan could not read or write. Parvana was one of the lucky ones. Both of her parents had been to university, and they believed in education for everyone, even girls. (1.12)

Can you imagine a country that is mostly illiterate? Think about what our society would be like if most of our citizens couldn't read or write. Parvana is one of the lucky ones because she has educated parents, but this isn't the case for most kids.

Quote #2

The two soldiers grabbed her father. The other two began searching the apartment, kicking the remains of dinner all over the mat.

"Leave him alone!" Mother screamed. "He has done nothing wrong!"

"Why did you go to England for your education? the soldier yelled at Father. "Afghanistan doesn't need your foreign ideas!" They yanked him toward the door.

"Afghanistan needs more illiterate thugs like you, "Father said." One of the soldiers hit him in the face. Blood from his nose dripped onto his white shalwar kameez. (2.72-2.75)

Father is being kidnapped because he is an educated man, and the fact that he received his education in England makes matters even worse—the Taliban is threatened by anyone who might challenge their ideas or authority, and nothing suggests someone might do just that like an education abroad.

Quote #3

Inside the room, the other two soldiers were ripping open the toshaks with knives and tossing things out of the cupboard.

Father's books! At the bottom of the cupboard was a secret compartment her father had built to hide the few books that had not been destroyed in one of the bombings. Some were English books about history and literature. They were kept hidden because the Taliban burned books they didn't like. (2.81-2.82)

As the Talibs tear through Parvana's apartment, she worries that they will find and burn Father's books and writings, his most valuable possessions that symbolize the importance of education in their lives. Censorship is a form of control, and books provide a source of freedom, which leaves us curious… Would you risk your life for a book?