The Breakfast Club Scene 7 Summary

  • Vernon spills coffee in his office and leaves to get more.
  • Bender leads the others out into the hall, not telling them why. They know Vernon's temporarily gone.
  • At Bender's locker they stop, and Bender removes a bag of pot.
  • They try to escape through the halls, but keep almost running into Vernon.
  • Following Andrew's lead, they run into a dead end. Bender decides to distract Vernon, loudly singing as he runs away, after stuffing the pot in Brian's undies, allowing the others to get back to the library in time.
  • Vernon catches Bender in the gym, where he's goofing around with a basketball.
  • He drags Bender to the library, where he yells at him in front of the other kids.
  • He then takes Bender to a closet, where he says he's putting him for the rest of detention. Vernon tries to get Bender to take a swing at him so he can beat Bender up without getting fired. Bender looks perturbed and won't do it.
  • After Vernon leaves, Bender escapes through a heat duct, telling a joke to himself. Before he reaches the punch line, he falls through the ceiling into the library.