The Breakfast Club Scene 8 Summary

  • Vernon busts in wanting to know what's going on.
  • But Bender's hiding under the table where he can look up Claire's skirt. They won't rat him out, and Vernon leaves.
  • Bender takes his marijuana from Brian and goes off to smoke it. Andrew resists, but then follows Claire and Brian to go smoke with Bender.
  • Excepting Allison, they get high together and joke around. Andrew ends up dancing by himself and then shattering the glass of a room by yelling really loud (Vernon doesn't hear this).
  • We cut to Vernon, down in the basement, looking through confidential student files he's not supposed to see. Carl catches him and asks for fifty bucks in exchange for not ratting him out.
  • Back in the library, Andrew and Brian are chatting.
  • Suddenly, Allison starts talking and reveals she knows all this stuff about Brian—it turns out it's because she stole his wallet (which contains a nudie picture). She gives it back.
  • In another part of the library, Claire is looking at Bender's wallet and she asks him about all the pictures of girls in it.
  • Apparently, she and Bender have differing ideas about romance: Claire is monogamous, Bender isn't.
  • Back with Andrew, Brian, and Allison, they're discussing Brian's fake ID. Allison shows them what's in her purse—a ton of stuff.
  • She says she wants to run away from home, and they ask why. Allison walks away.
  • Andrew follows her and asks her what's wrong. Allison tells him that her parents ignore her, and he empathizes.