The Cay Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Suddenly, the tears came out. I knew it was not a manly thing to do, something my father would have frowned on, but I couldn't stop. Then from nowhere came Stew Cat. He rubbed along my arms and up against my cheek, purring hard. I held him close. (8.16)

Phillip tries to live up to his father's ideas about manhood but isn't able to keep himself from crying. When in the book does Phillip's own father cry?

Quote #8

Suddenly, I wished my father and mother could see us there together on the little island.

I moved close to Timothy's big body before I went to sleep. I remember smiling in the darkness. He felt neither white nor black. (10.15-16)

Phillip's perception of Timothy has completely changed. What would his mother think? What about his father?

Quote #9

In early April, I returned to Willemstad with my mother, and we took up life where it had been left off the previous April. After I'd been officially reported lost at sea, she'd gone back to Curaçao to be with my father. She had changed in many ways. She had no thoughts of leaving the islands now. (19.39)

Phillip is reunited with his mother, and he tells us that she has "changed in many ways." What do you think this means? Why don't we learn more than this?