The Cay Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Yet I could not help worrying. The thought of losing either of them was unbearable. If something bad happened on the cay, I wanted it to happen to all of us. (14.12)

Having grown to love Timothy and Stew Cat, Phillip would rather die with them than remain alone on the island.

Quote #8

Soon I felt water around my ankles. Then it washed to my knees. It would go back and then crash against us again. Timothy was taking the full blows of the storm, sheltering me with his body. When the water receded, it would tug at us, and Timothy's strength would fight against it. I could feel the steel in his arms as the water tried to suck us away. (15.16)

Timothy shields Phillip with his body amidst the violent winds and waves of the hurricane.

Quote #9

Timothy had been cut to ribbons by the wind, which drove the rain and the grains of sand before it. It had flayed his back and his legs until there were very few places that weren't cut. He was bleeding, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I found his hard, horny hand again, wrapped mine around it, and lay down beside him. (15.39)

Timothy sacrificed his life for Phillip during the storm. Here we see how badly his body was cut and bruised.