The Cay Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

There was no day or night that passed when I didn't listen for sounds from the sky. Both my sense of touch and my sense of hearing were beginning to make up for my lack of sight. I separated the sound and each became different. (18.1)

Phillip's blindness forces him to learn to interact with the world in a whole new way. His sense of touch and hearing compensate for his lack of vision. How is Phillip's blindness a metaphor in the novel?

Quote #11

The pilot had flown away, perhaps thinking I was just another native fisherman waving at an aircraft. I knew that the color of my skin was very dark now. (18.51)

Phillip has become darker after spending so many months on the cay. How is this moment symbolic?

Quote #12

I saw Henrik van Boven occasionally, but it wasn't the same as when we'd played the Dutch or the British. He seemed very young. So I spent a lot of time along St. Anna Bay, and at the Ruyterkade market talking to the black people. I liked the sound of their voices. Some of them had known old Timothy from Charlotte Amalie. I felt close to them. (19.40)

Phillip returns to his home, but he no longer feels a strong connection with Henrik van Boven. Henrik represents youth and innocence, while Phillip has changed dramatically, gaining real-life experience and maturity.