The Chrysanthemums Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

Henry put on his joking tone. "There's fights tonight. How'd you like to go to the fights?"

"Oh, no," she said breathlessly. "No, I wouldn't like fights." (20-21)

If Henry was joking here, does that mean he was definitely joking when he suggested Elisa help him out in the orchard? And really, what's so funny about a woman going to a fight?

Quote #5

She touched under the edge of her man's hat, searching for fugitive hairs. (41)

Could it be? Is Elisa a little nervous around the tinker? She's definitely not looking her best, and here we see her self-consciously fixing her hair – a classically feminine gesture.

Quote #6

She tore off the battered hat and shook out her dark pretty hair. (63)

We might consider this an escalation of the gesture in the previous quote. Instead of fixing her hair, she's shaking it loose. That's flirting 101.