The Color of Magic Themes

The Color of Magic Themes


In a way, fantasy stories are all about exploration. And in The Color of Magic, we explore the Discworld with tourists Twoflower and Rincewind as though we were tourists of this magical misfit of a...

Society and Class

While exploring the Discworld in The Color of Magic, we don't just tour fantastical landmarks; we also get to explore the societies and the people populating them. At first glance, these societies...


You wouldn't think the citizens of the Disc would want much—they live in a world where magic is real, dragons fly about, and barbarian is an acceptable career path with some pretty decent fringe...


So, if all the characters in The Color of Magic are going to be dissatisfied (and they are—read up on it elsewhere in this section), then it stands to reason they'll want to try to change whateve...

The Supernatural

Supernatural elements tend to make fantasy worlds seem more welcoming than our reality. But think about it: If not for its magic curriculum, Hogwarts would easily be the worst reviewed school in te...


In The Color of Magic, the Discworld comes with various kinds of power to tinker with. You can go the barbarian route and be a powerhouse of brawn but lack a bit in the brains. You can be a wizard...

Awe and Amazement

What good is reading a novel if you aren't awed and amazed at the story being told? Not much good if you ask us. In the same spirit, what good is living in a reality where you aren't awed and amaze...

Language and Communication

What qualifies someone as a witch? Is it the way someone worships, their ability to cast spells, the way they look, or the fact that they weigh the same as a duck? As this famous Monty Python sketc...