The Cop and the Anthem Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

O. Henry wrote and published his first twelve stories from jail. (Source)

O. Henry says that this is Rule 1 of being a successful storywriter: Write stories that please yourself. There is no Rule 2. If you can't write a story that pleases yourself you'll never please the public. But in writing the story, forget the public. (Source)

In the same interview, O. Henry says, "My stories? No, they don't satisfy me. I see them in print and I wonder why people like them. I wait till they come out in book form, hoping that they may look better to me then. But they don't. It depresses me to have people point me out or introduce me as 'a celebrated author.'" What do you think about this contradiction? (Source)

Before O. Henry was married he was part of the Hill City Quartet, "known for serenading young women on the streets of Austin. The group also entertained at local weddings, church festivals, and picnics." (Source)