The Cop and the Anthem Resources


The O. Henry Museum

O. Henry had some wild times when he was in Austin. Read all about 'em.

The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories

O. Henry even has half a literary prize named after him.

Movie or TV Productions

"Trying to Get Arrested" (1909)

O. Henry got to see the "The Cop and the Anthem" adapted into a short film.

The Cop and the Anthem (1917)

Since there is very little dialogue in the story, it was probably perfect for the silent film era.

O. Henry's Filmography

We are amazed at how many film adaptations there are of O. Henry's stories. Check it out!


The O. Henry Papers

This compilation includes the article that contains the only interview O. Henry gave.

A Biography

A nice little bio from Random House.

"Five Myths About Homelessness"

Read this article from The Washington Post. Does "The Cop and the Anthem" draw on or contribute to any of these myths?

"O. Henry's Talent Found in Prison"

This New York Times article breaks the news to the public about O. Henry's secret prison record. Scandalous! Luckily, O. Henry had already been dead for six years. That's a good way to avoid the drama.


On The Red Skelton Hour

Watch part one of this famous adaptation. If you like what you see, follow the links to the left for parts one through four.


Free Audio Book! Woo Hoo!

You listen to "The Cop and the Anthem" and all the other stories from O. Henry's collection The Four Million.


The Family O. Henry

Here's O. Henry with his wife and daughter.

An Older O. Henry

The last picture of him before his death.