The Corrections Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Family Quotes

Enid could hear Alfred upstairs now, opening and closing drawers. He became agitated whenever they were going to see their children. Seeing their children was the only thing he seemed to care about...

Marriage Quotes

Although Enid's ostensible foe was Alfred, what made her a guerrilla was the house that occupied them both. (1.9)

Gender Quotes

Chip had grown up listening to his father pontificate on the topics of Men's Work and Women's Work and the importance of maintaining the distinction; in a spirit of correction, he stuck with Tori f...

Mortality Quotes

His affliction offended his sense of ownership. These shaking hands belonged to nobody but him, and yet they refused to obey him. They were live bad children. (2.454)

Society and Class Quotes

Around eight o'clock he ended up outside the new Nightmare of Consumption ("Everything—for a price!") on Grand Street. (2.650)

Politics Quotes

"We have three or four elections a year. Elections are our biggest industry. We have the highest annual per capita output of elections of any country in the world. Higher than Italy, even." (2.866)

Contrasting Regions: Midwest vs. East Coast Quotes

To anyone who saw them averting their eyes from the dark-haired New Yorkers careening past them [...] it was obvious that they were Midwestern and intimidated. (2.1)

Technology and Modernization Quotes

"Didn't you say the house alone probably cost a million dollars? Al?""It's a large house but cheaply done," Alfred said with a sudden vigor. "The walls are like paper""All the new houses are like t...

Madness Quotes

He became trapped in that space between words and could only stand and watch [...] the thoughtless boyish part of him crashing on out of sight blindly [...] while he, trapped, the grownup Al, watch...