The Dark Is Rising Theme of Coming of Age

In The Dark is Rising, coming of age isn't just about going through puberty and having to take the SAT. No, for Will it's more about saving the world. Complicating things further is the fact that while coming of age usually means arriving at adulthood, Will's actually an Old One who has been around for centuries—but only just realized it. So instead of becoming an adult, Will has to figure out who he is and what place he occupies among the Old Ones. All of a sudden zits and finding a date to the school dance don't look so bad.

Questions About Coming of Age

  1. Is it important that Will is only eleven years old? Why or why not? How would the story be different if Will were an adult?
  2. Who helps Will mature the most—Merriman, the Rider, or his family? Why? In what ways do each of these people help him realize a different part of himself?
  3. What is relatable about Will's coming of age? What makes him different from "normal" humans?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Will's age allows us to relate to his experience, even though he has magical abilities and can travel through time. Without the coming of age theme, he'd be much harder to relate to.

Although Will's family is influential in his life before his eleventh birthday, Merriman has the greatest impact on young Will afterward. His coming of age is defined by what Merriman teaches him about the world and the battle between good and evil.