The Dark Is Rising Part 2: The Learning, Chapter 5 Summary

Christmas Eve

  • It's Christmas Eve and everyone is getting ready for the big day; Will and his family are decorating and cooking all the festive dishes.
  • As he and his brothers make their way over to Farmer Dawson's house, Will thinks about the fact that the guy is an Old One, too. This means he should be warned about Maggie being with the Dark.
  • When they get to Farmer Dawson's house, Will brings Maggie up, being careful not to say anything too weird in front of his brothers.
  • It turns out Max has a crush on Maggie and is interested in where she's been the past couple days. Dawson mentions that she's ill and had to go away for a while.
  • Phew, the farmer is already in the know—Will is relieved.
  • Then Mr. Dawson tells Will to make sure to hang some holly over the doors and windows at home to shield the house against the Dark.
  • At home, Will looks through a box of Christmas ornaments and asks his parents about them.
  • Evidently, years ago Mr. Dawson made letter ornaments for everyone in the family. Everyone has the first letter of their first name… except for Will, who has a symbol.
  • Will's mom figures Mr. Dawson was just sick of creating letters by then, but Will knows better—he must have been protecting Will's first name so the Dark wouldn't find it out. Clever, that Dawson.
  • Will's dad puts up Christmas lights and then Will and his brothers and sisters go caroling to the neighbors' houses.
  • When they get to Miss Greythorne's house, she invites them inside for a warm drink, and as they chat, Merriman shows up.
  • No one else can see him and the music continues, but Will slowly disappears with Merriman into the shadows to somewhere far away.