The Duchess of Malfi Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Yet stay, heaven gates are not so highly arched

As princes' palaces: they that enter there

Must go upon their knees. [Kneels] (4.2.222-24)

These words, spoken by the Duchess as she kneels down to be executed, complete the standing-kneeling cycle we talk about over in "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" that was initiated when the Duchess raised Antonio up when she proposed to him. Just as Antonio's "goodly roof" in Quote #4 was too low for her, heaven's gates are also described as being "low" in a way. What do you make of her having to kneel to enter heaven? Does she mean that people entering heaven have go on their knees as a show of submission or humility, or is she saying that her own princely domain is so high that she's got to get down on her knees if she's even going to squeeze into the door? Is this moment dignified, or is she just giving up?