The English Patient War Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The English Patient.

Quote #1

ALMÁSY: Am I being interrogated? You should be trying to trick me, make me speak German.

It's difficult to trust anyone during a war. Almásy and English soldiers have a mutual distrust of one another. Almásy is distrusted because of his nebulous identity, and he doesn't trust English soldiers because they captured him during the war.

Quote #2

HANA: There's a war. Where you come from becomes important.
ALMÁSY: Why? I hate this idea.

These lines foreshadow the ending, when Almásy is unable to return to Katharine because he cannot prove where he comes from. Him saying, "I hate this idea" so simply here might be the understatement of the movie.

Quote #3

KIP: The Germans left mines everywhere. The pianos were their favorite hiding places.

War destroys even seemingly innocent things. The monastery is damaged by bomb blasts, and not even a piano is safe. War tries its hardest to extinguish art itself.