The Female Man Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Do you like men's bodies? Good! This is beginning to be almost as good as getting married. This means that you have True Womanliness, which is fine unless you want to do it with him on the bottom and you on the top, or any other way than he wants to do it. (7.5.7)

Is Joanna suggesting that womanliness and femininity are related to women's sexual subservience to men? If so, what do you make of that argument?

Quote #8

Always the same. I sit on, perfectly invisible, a chalk sketch of a woman. An idea. A walking ear. (8.8.33)

Women in The Female Man often feel as though they are "invisible" to men. How does Jael turn invisibility to her advantage? Is any other character able to do the same?

Quote #9

Of course you don't want me to be stupid, bless you! you only want to make sure you're intelligent. You don't want me to commit suicide; you only want me to be gratefully aware of my dependency. You don't want me to despise myself; you only want to ensure the flattering deference to you that you consider a spontaneous tribute to your natural qualities. (8.10.32)

Jael likes to lay the sarcasm on thick. What point is she making here, underneath the cutting wit?