Home Quotes in The Glass Castle

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Welcome to home sweet home." (3.6.12)

This statement is dripping with irony, and it's the only thing dripping in a house without indoor plumbing.

Quote #8

We now had a weird-looking half-finished patch job—one that announced to the world that the people inside the house wanted to fix it up but lacked the gumption to get the work done. (3.7.25)

Correction: the "person" inside the house. By this point, Jeannette is the only member of her family who cares about making their ramshackle house into a home. Everyone else has given up.

Quote #9

"But you live here," she said. "This is your home." (3.26.9)

This woman is the worst high-school guidance counselor ever. Just because she has never left her own home, that doesn't mean that no one else should.