The Good Earth Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

And Wang Lung took it into his heart to eat dainty foods, and he himself, who once had been well satisfied with good wheaten bread wrapped about a stick of garlic, now that he slept late in the day and did not work with his own hands on the land, now he was not easily pleased with this dish and that, and he tasted winter bamboo and shrimps' roe and Southern fish and shellfish from the northern seas and pigeons' eggs and all those things which rich men use to force their lagging appetites. (29.31)

Why do you think rich men have "lagging appetites?" Is it because they never work up enough of a sweat to get hungry? Because they already have so much to eat that they're always stuffed, anyway? Because they're cut off from real life to such an extent that normal body processes start to shut down?