The Goose Girl Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Selia's voice quavered with too many tones, confusing the roles she played— commanding, regal, humble, coercive, friendly, and under it all the hate and jealousy that shook her bones when she spoke Ani's title. Ani concentrated on turning the voice, her words that had always struck like javelins and pinned down her mind with their commands, turning those shooting words into feathers, floating away. (21.69)

Manipulating the king to believe her, Selia uses the best weapon in her arsenal: her people-speaking. Yet Ani manipulates people to get what she wants too—she lies to the guards about who she is, and pretends to be lower class to fit in with the forest workers. Is it okay for Ani to manipulate people but not Selia? It's a tricky moral conundrum.