The Goose Girl Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Ani lowered her head and peered at the horsemen from under her hat brim, wary of any familiar faces or light-colored hair. There was no need. The nobles on their grand horses never turned an idle eye on the goose girl. (9.15)

She's used to being recognized and pampered, but Ani can walk right past the nobles while she's disguised as a goose girl.

Quote #8

Ani laughed. "A goose girl should feel honored to be mistaken for a lady with land to put a horse on, sir."

"You didn't say 'sir' when you stole my horse. Geric. My name's Geric." (9.86-87)

It's love at first sight… well, almost anyway. We would like to point out that Ani and Geric's first conversation hinges on ideas of social class, so even though neither seems to care much about what rank people are, they have to act like they do because of where they live and their society.

Quote #9

"You're not so shy as you let us think when you first got here. You can face a king. He's just a man in a crown who eats potatoes and has gas." (15.62)

Razo says this about the king when Ani gets a chance to go before him. His off-handed joke reminds us that perhaps royalty and social class are only performances—that is, maybe being royal is nothing more than wearing a crown and acting royal. Perhaps there's nothing special about the king himself beyond that.