The Haunted Palace Resources


The Edgar Allan Poe Society

Here's a great page that discusses sources, history, and some other thoughts about "The Haunted Palace." This whole website is packed with great Poe information. It's packed with Poe, and that pleases us perfectly, people.

The Poe Museum

Dive into a really useful website from the Poe Museum in Richmond, VA. You can check out portraits, biographical info, scans of important documents, and the always-popular much, much more.


Trailer for The Haunted Palace

This is a trailer for a 1960s B-movie that was supposed to be based on "The Haunted Palace." (It was actually based on a story by another great American horror writer, H.P. Lovecraft.) This flick looks amazing.

Poe Slideshow

Here are some pictures from Poe's life, along with a version of the poem as a song from the musical "Edgar." (We're not making that last part up.)


A Classical "The Haunted Palace"

Dig it: this "symphonic poem" was written by the composer Florent Schmitt, who based it on Poe's poem.

Saruman Reads "The Haunted Palace"

Okay, okay. So it's not the wizard himself, but the actor, Christopher Lee, who played him in LOTR. It's still a good reading, though—well worth a listen.


Poe's Grave

Poe's grave is in Baltimore. For years, a mysterious masked man would lay a rose and some cognac there on Poe's birthday. Folks got too nosy, though, so it looks like that tradition's died out. Still, we think this shot of the tombstone really captures the mood of a Poe tale.

Modern Poe

We like this slightly abstract portrait of Poe. We think it fits well with the spooky vibe of his poems.

Articles and Interviews

Times on Poe

Here's a link to the NY Times archives of its Poe-related articles.

Poe's Brother's Book?

Did you know that Poe's brother Henry also published a book… maybe?


Complete Tales and Poems

Go ahead, read it cover to cover. We double-dog dare you.

Movies & TV

Everywhere a Poe, Poe

Dude's work has been rendered in film and TV a ton. Check out the full listing here.