The Haunting of Hill House Resources


Them Deets

Shirley Jackson's website gives you the details on her life and works. Read on, good Shmooper, read on.

And the Winner Is…

How do you tell if you've made it as an author? Answer: when they name an award after you. Or a boat. One of the two.


The New York Times gives Shirley Jackson a proper send-off. Tragically, Jackson passed away 48 years young.


This website has some amazing resources for the fan or student of Shirley Jackson. Well done, Virginia Commonwealth University; well done, indeed.

Movie or TV Productions

Black & White & Amazing

50 years later, this Robert Wise masterpiece does Jackson proud. A must-watch.

Hauntingly Bad

This remake of the 1963 adaptation is stupendously entertaining—if viewed as a comedy.

Articles and Interviews


And not in a bad way. Joyce Carol Oates is one smart person, and in this interview, she shares her knowledge of all things Shirley Jackson.

The Other Mother

You know the Hallmark image of the mother—floral-patterned apron, fresh pie in hand, and an amused shake of her head as the boys try to steal a bite? Yeah, not so much. NPR gives us three books honestly dealing with our maternal relations, The Haunting of Hill House among them.

Celebrate Good Books, Come On

The Internet Review of Science Fiction celebrates 50 years of The Haunting of Hill House by throwing one heck of a party. Well, more essay, less party, but it's still one heck of an essay.

Two of a Kind

Erin Horakova talks The Haunting of Hill House and compares it to another Gothic haunt of Jackson's, We Have Always Lived in the Castle. It's two great discusses for the price of reading one essay.

Not Your Run-of-the-Mill Specters

John J. Miller examines Jackson's novel to decide if it's genre fiction, literary fiction, or its own beast entirely. Hint: choose "All of the Above."

Reader, Meet Shirley; Shirley, Meet the Reader

Laura Miller introduces her blog readers to The Haunting of Hill House in this well-written entry. She discusses the novel's characters, its literary lineage, its setting... you know, the works.

Wasting No Words

Sophie Missing considers The Haunting of Hill House the definitive haunted house story in this short-and-to-the-point essay for The Guardian.

An Oldie but a Goodie

Monsterzine discusses why The Haunting (1963) remains relevant for horror fans despite a lack of CGI ghosts and fountains upon fountains of blood.


Back in the Day

Here's the trailer for the 1963 adaptation of The Haunting of Hill House. Yes, they really did have trailers back in the day—no computers to watch them on, though. You had to drive these buildings called… movie theaters or something.

Redundant Remake

From the director of Twister and Speed? Really? That's the guy they thought would be perfect to remake The Haunting? As this trailer hints, he wasn't quite the perfect fit.

Free Sample

A sample of the 1963 version of The Haunting. Just one, though. Wouldn't want to ruin your appetite for the film, would we?

Oh, All Right

Another great scene from the 1963 film. Now go watch this movie already. Seriously!


Unabridged Goodness

An audiobook for Jackson's horror masterpiece. It's unabridged because you don't want to miss one word of it.


First and Foremost

The first edition cover for The Haunting of Hill House. We love the way Hill House sits in the long grass like a predator ready to kill. Brilliant!

Lovin' It

A contemporary cover for Jackson's novel. Notice how Hill House almost seems locked up behind the gate. These covers sure have a lot going for them.

The Madame of Horror

Shirley Jackson herself, the mind behind the terror of Hill House.

Star of the Show

An exterior shot of Hill House from the 1963 film. Fun fact: Ettington Hall served as Hill House's… actor (?)… for the film's exterior shots.

Cover Up

Looks like a real cover, doesn't it? It's actually a wonderful bit of fan art that deserves to sit on any bookshelf.

Casting Call

The cast of the 1963 film, looking terrified.

Floating Head Syndrome

The poster for the 1999 adaptation. Like most 90s posters, floating heads abound.


Although not directly related to Hill House, this cover is too good to pass up. It belongs to Jackson's masterful short story "The Lottery," and the pulp era inspiration is so far removed from Jackson's style as to be almost commendable.