Religion Quotes in The History of Love

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She named my brother Emanuel Chaim after the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum, who buried milk cans filled with testimony in the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Jewish cellist Emanuel Feuermann, who was one of the great musical prodigies of the twentieth century, and also the Jewish writer of genius Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel, and her uncle Chaim, who was a joker, a real clown, made everyone laugh like crazy, and who died by the Nazis. But my brother refused to answer to it. When people asked him his name, he made something up. (2.1)

If Bird is so religious, why would he want to distance himself from this lineage of great Jewish men with whom he shares his name?

Quote #2


By immediately announcing Bird's religious beliefs, Alma passively declares her own atheism.

Quote #3

When I was him from the window, I regret having taught him to sound out the Hebrew letters when he was only five. It makes me sad, knowing it can't last. (2.6)

Why should Alma assume Bird's religiousness is only a temporary phase?