The Interestings Chapter 9 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Ash and Ethan became lovers and Jules makes it about her and her loneliness.
  • Ethan is there for all the big events in Ash's life (that Goodman is missing), and eventually Ash gets accepted into Yale and Ethan to the School of Visual Arts.
  • Jules plans to go to the State University of New York and, of course, Jonah goes to MIT.
  • For some reason, Jules thinks that if Goodman hadn't run off, Ash and Ethan wouldn't have gotten together.
  • Jules and Jonah bond over being single.
  • Jonah's mom gets Jules and Jonah to listen to a new song she's playing and asks if it is something they'd show their friends. Sad.
  • Jules asked Jonah once why he didn't play music anymore and got a cold rebuff.
  • Ash and Ethan have basically started living together at the Labyrinth, with Ethan staying in Goodman's old room. Yeah, we think that's kind of creepy, too.
  • Because Ethan and Ash are like an adult couple, Jules went with her to Planned Parenthood to get her fitted for a diaphragm.
  • In the waiting room, Jules imagines the other people think she's not a virgin and is pleased by that.
  • According to Ash, even though Ethan's ugly he's great in bed.
  • Despite this info, though, Jules totally can't figure out how Ethan landed a girl as pretty as Ash.
  • Jules convinces herself she's the loneliest person on the subway.
  • The Wolfs plan a summer trip to Iceland and Ash invites Jules—though Jules's mom doesn't like the idea, she lets her go anyway.
  • Bummer for Jules, she reacts strongly to the travel and ends up spending the first day throwing up.
  • When Jules wakes up, she finds a note from Ash directing her to a nearby cafe.
  • And guess who Jules finds there? Goodman. Ta-da.
  • The Wolfs explain how he called earlier and let them know he was being sheltered by Gudrun in Iceland, and they planned a trip out to see him after sending him some money.
  • Jules finds out that Ash never told Ethan and Gil (a.k.a. Papa Wolf) basically threatens her with not telling anyone.
  • There's a big emotional moment and then Ash accuses Goodman of not being there when their dog died.
  • With nothing to really say to anyone else, Jules makes awkward small talk with Gudrun.