The Interestings Chapter 16 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • The following year, Robert is giving a talk to a benefit for people with AIDS; he's been able to stay healthy much longer than expected.
  • Tonight he is getting an award for political activism in the legal profession.
  • We realize after an exchange between Jonah and Robert that their relationship hasn't really gotten any closer over the many years they've spent together.
  • Robert gets his courage up and tells Jonah he's leaving him.
  • Jonah is broken up but Robert wants someone who will love him completely and not at a distance like Jonah does.
  • They part ways and Jonah ends up at Ash and Ethan's home.
  • They aren't there, but their nanny lets Jonah in anyway and he calls Ash to tell her about Robert.
  • Ash tells him to spend the night at their house and have breakfast with their kids in the morning.
  • When Larkin and Mo greet Jonah in the morning, though, he's not sure how to relate to them.
  • Larkin breezily tells him they're all having waffles.
  • Jonah finds Mo on the floor playing with Legos and is reminded of why he went to MIT in the first place; he recognizes how super talented Mo is.
  • They all have breakfast and Jonah is cared for like one of the kids.
  • Larkin asks Jonah if he's okay and he tells them he feels sad; he winds up telling the kids that Robert left him.
  • Larkin instructs Mo to respond the right way when someone says they're sad.
  • Mo remembers what to say and awkwardly tells Jonah he's sorry.