Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes in The Jungle Book

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

The dawn was beginning to break when Mowgli went down the hillside alone, to meet those mysterious things that are called men. (1.146)

Although Mowgli is foreign to the wolves because he is a man, men are foreign to Mowgli, because he has no memory of living among them.

Quote #5

Mowgli was taught the Stranger's Hunting Call, which must be repeated aloud till it is answered, whenever one of the Jungle-People hunts outside his own grounds. (3.1)

Baloo teaches Mowgli to communicate with the creatures of the jungle to help him integrate better into this new-to-him social ecosystem.

Quote #6

"Except his own tribe," said Bagheera, under his breath. (3.19)

Baloo has taught Mowgli all the Master-Words so that he can communicate with any creature in the jungle… except for man. None of the animals in the jungle know how to communicate with man, probably because man is more likely to shoot first, ask questions never.