The Laboratory Resources


A Solid Foundation

This site is a good way to get to know Browning. There's a bio, articles by super-smart folks, recordings, poems, etc.

Online Victorians

Here's a super-cool site, packed with information about Browning and the world he lived in. It's easy to get lost in this one—be careful.


Browning's London

This little video shows you the places where Robert and his famous wife Elizabeth spent their time. The production values might not be super-high, but gives you a nice feel for his life.

R.I.P. Queen Victoria

Robert Browning will be forever linked to the reign of Queen Victoria. Here's a fascinating historical film of the end of her amazingly long time on the throne.


A Reading of "The Laboratory" by the Coolest Guy Ever

Check this one out, if only to hear this guy's amazing voice!

Robert Browning Forgets His Own Poem

Here's a great historical recording of Browning. A little tough to hear, but listen to the end, where he forgets his lines!


Robert Browning, Facial Hair Enthusiast

Here's a painting of Browning from the National Portrait Gallery in England. Check out the awesome chin beard!

The Illustrated Laboratory

This watercolor based on the poem is by the famous Victorian painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti. It might not be his masterpiece, but it's cool to see how he imagined the scene.



Here's a collection of Browning and wife's personal remembrances.

All Together Now

All of Browning's work, collected in handy book form!