The Luminaries Wealth/Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

'There's no difference,' Wells insisted, reaching for another piece of meat. 'You might not like it—but you have to admit—there's no difference. It's just one mineral or another. One rock or another.'
'No,' Tauwhare said. He looked angry. 'It is not the same' (IX.4.3-4).

Wells and Tauwhare are debating whether gold and greenstone are essentially just the same. From Tauwhare's musings earlier, we know that he thinks of gold as something that has to do with capital and exchange—something utilitarian—whereas greenstone seems to represent something more private and sacred for him. For that reason, he doesn't tell Crosbie about his mad skills in carving greenstone; that's just for him, and not for sale/hire.