

Character Role Analysis


The Anthropophagi make very compelling antagonists. They're a terrifying enemy, especially because they have so many evolutionary advantages that make them killing machines in possessions of the temperament of an overtired two year old. Also, there isn't a shred of compassion in their massive, tooth-filled bodies, so it's easy to root for their extinction without any hesitation.

Dr. Kearns

Dr. John Kearns may be an ally in the battle against the Anthropophagi, but is he really on the same team as Will Henry and Co.? He doesn't hesitate to throw Will Henry to the wolves, so to speak, when he's trying to lure the alpha female out of her den. He has questionable business practices that verge on the side of him being a total psychopath. Oh, and there's that little issue of Dr. Warthrop not being able to trust him because he kills people he doesn't agree with (like the awful Dr. Starr). What we're saying is that while's not the enemy in this book, we can totally see him being the baddie in a subsequent sequel.

Can't you?