The Monstrumologist Resources


The Book's Official Webpage

They made a movie-style trailer for the book, and it's pretty creepy. Shocking, we know.

Rick Yancey is One Busy Dude

Check out his home page to see how many pies he has his fingers in.


The Monstrumologist Attacks the Silver Screen

Think the Anthropophagi are scary on the page? Imagine them looming larger than life on a movie screen in front of you. Eek.


The Customer is Always Right

The publisher of the series wanted it to end as a trilogy, but the fans weren't having it. And the fans won.

What Does Rick Yancey Have Against Hilary Duff?

An interview with Yancey about the controversial "trilogy" status of the series.

Yancey's Ego is the Size of the Solar System

Those were his words, not ours.

Yancey vs. Twilight

Consider yourself warned: He's not a fan of the "sparklies."


Movie-style Trailer for The Monstrumologist

This makes us excited for the actual movie.


Cover Image

Thankfully they didn't put the Anthropophagi's face on the cover.

Artist's Rendering of Anthropophagus

Maybe click this link after you eat lunch.

So Much Fan Art

The Monstrumologist has some dedicated fans that are really into drawing their own depictions of the characters.