The Prologue Resources


Bio of Bradstreet

This site, from The Poetry Foundation, has good biographical info on Anne B.


Bradstreet's Time

If you're interested in some background info on early colonial Massachusetts, here's a good place to start.

Historical Reenactment

This lady dressed up like Anne Bradstreet to read her poetry in North Andover, MA—mad props for the commitment.


Charlotte Gordon on Bradstreet

Charlotte Gordon wrote a biography of Bradstreet called Mistress Bradstreet: The Untold Life of America's First Poet. Hear her talk about it on NPR.

Another Bradstreet Poem

Here's a really nice reading of "A Love Letter to Her Husband," in case you want a flavor of her other poems.


Reflective Anne

Check out her portrait here. What's she thinking about?

Title Page of The Tenth Muse

It's kind of cool to get a feeling for what this book would have looked like right off the press.

Anne Bradstreet's Grave

We don't have any authentic pictures of Bradstreet, or even an original gravestone. This marker was put up later.