The Rape of the Lock Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Rape of the Lock? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In the game of Ombre, what suit does Belinda declare as "trumps" (i.e., the most powerful)?

A Brooks Brothers suit
Q. How does Belinda successfully bring the Baron to his knees?

She gets him to propose
She tosses snuff in his face
She uses her mad jiu-jitsu skillz
She trips him with Sir Plume's cane
Q. When the Baron prays to his Altar of Love, how do we know he'll only walk away with one of Belinda's locks and not both?

Ariel the Sylph predicts it
The poem tells us that half of his prayer is just empty air
The Queen of Spleen grants him only half of his prayer
He's not wearing Old Spice aftershave
Q. What was one of the previous forms taken by Belinda's bodkin?

It was her grandmother's baby whistle
It was a sword
It was a silver coffeepot
It was a walking Homeric tripod
Q. What, in the end, is Belinda's real victory?

Not having to pay for a haircut this month
Keeping her good humor
Kicking Clarissa to the curb
Lasting immortality in the poem