The Red Pony Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Maybe I'll leave Gabilan in the corral when I go to school today."

"Be good for him to be out in the sun," Billy assured him. […]

"If the rain comes, though—" Jody suggested.

"Not likely to rain today. She's rained herself out." Billy pulled up his sleeves and snapped his arm bands. "If it comes on to rain—why a little rain don't hurt a horse."

"Well if it does come to rain, you put him in, will you, Billy? I'm scared he might get cold so I couldn't ride him when the time comes."

"Oh sure! I'll watch out for him if we get back in time. But it won't rain today."

And so Jody, when he went to school, left Gabilan standing out in the corral. (1.94-1.95, 1.96-1.100)

As much as Jody admires Billy Buck, that doesn't stop him from questioning his technique. Jody just wants to be 100% certain that Billy will be around to let Gabilan back inside if it starts to rain. His horse's life is at stake, after all. But Jody admires and trusts Billy, so at the end of the day, he takes him at his word… which doesn't go so well.

Quote #5

Jody's father walked into the barn and stood with them in front of the stall. At length he turned to the boy. "Hadn't you better come with me? I'm going to drive down the hill." Jody shook his head. "You better come on, out of this," his father insisted.

Billy turned on him angrily. "Let him alone. It's his pony, isn't it?" (1.172-1.173)

Who do you admire more in this moment? It's a tough call. We mean Carl has a point—witnessing this tragic death probably won't do any favors for Jody (and afterwards, he does show some odd serial killer tendencies for a while). But Billy's got a point, too. It's Jody's pony. So shouldn't Jody get to stick with him until the end?

Quote #6

Billy Buck broke in. "They got a right to rest after they worked all their life. Maybe they just like to walk around." (2.104)

Billy's got a soft spot for old animals and old men. Maybe that's because he admires all the hard work they've done over the years, whereas Carl just sees them as useless because their hard work is all behind them.