The Reivers Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You fought because of me. I've had people—drunks—fighting over me, but you're the first one ever fought for me. I aint used to it, you see. That's why I dont know what to do about it" (7.103)

Miss Corrie thanks Lucius for standing up for her when Otis objectifies her. She also doesn't know how to thank him, because she's never had anyone do that for her, much less a boy like Lucius. Um, Boon? We think it's time for you to step it up.

Quote #5

"God damn it, she's a whore, cant she understand that? She's in the paid business of belonging to me exclusive the minute she sets her foot where I'm at like I'm in the paid business of belonging to Boss and Mr Maury exclusive the minute I set my foot where they're at. But now she's done quit. For private reasons. She cant no more. She aint got no more private rights to quit without my say-so too than I got to quit without Boss's and Mr Maury's say-so too." (9.37)

Boon is frustrated that Miss Corrie has chosen now to quit prostitution. After all, he did come all the way to Memphis, Tennessee from Jefferson, Mississippi just to see her. Ahem, "see" her. Can't she wait until after he leaves to make such a drastic life decision? That's what he seems to be thinking. It seems that although Lucius's perceptions of women have evolved throughout his adventures, Boon's still clinging to a very patriarchal view of women's roles.