The Returning Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If I'd stayed there, slave to the seasons, my horizon would never have moved. If I stayed here with you, it would be a good life, but it would be like Kayforl. (10.163)

When Cam tells Diido that he can't stay away from home, we're not sure what to think. Does he regret abandoning his family, or is he just repeating his same pattern by ditching Diido too?

Quote #8

He was a handful of paces along the path when he glanced back over his shoulder. Diido stood just as he had left her, all cross and crossed upon herself. Cam found himself walking back to her, taking her pointy little chin in his hand. He bent his head. His thumb brushed her cheek; her lips. He paused, lifted his gaze to hers. (15.112)

Now that Cam's gotten closer to Diido, he wants to protect her, and can't leave her with Tseri any longer. It's interesting that he feels more of an attachment to Diido than his own family—perhaps this is because she's more accepting, or maybe because they're both outsiders.

Quote #9

I am tall and grown now (Pin laughed) and I stay away because I no longer know how to come home. When I figure it out, then expect me! You could not do better than Acton Mansto. Of course I think of you all, all the time. (16.144)

Cam's letter to Pin shares somewhat of an apology about not being there, though it's not the best apology we've ever heard. Cam seems to feel bad about ditching his family, though.