The Returning Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"So… now… now he does not look so like to Gyodan." But on the battlefield, it had been like coming face-to-face with his brother, or his brother's ghost. "Still, beyond any question, it is a Ryuu face." (10.52)

The fact that Cam has a Ryuu face helps save his live, and really challenges Gyaar and his dad. How can it be that these two groups look alike? Gasp.

Quote #8

"You and I…" Gyaar folded his hands together, and held them up. "We are Up- and Downlander. And now a marriage between us, North and South. (12.184)

Leave it to Gyaar to sum it up. We can't help but notice though, that his closest friend and advisor is also a Downlander—his nearest and dearest are all outsiders.

Quote #9

It was real Uplanders Graceful wanted to see, not pretend ones. She leaned boldly on the window. […] As soon as they were gone, the other Uplanders stopped standing stiff and warrior-like and crouched on their heels, talking and laughing, all the household finding excuse to pass through the yard to stare at them, for none had seen so many of them together, so close. (13.24)

When the Uplanders come to Graceful's house, she's so interested in them—it's like she's seeing a wild lion for the first time, it's so rare. Her reaction show us just how segregated the two peoples really were before the war.