The Returning Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"See," said Master Fenister. "There's good even in bad things." It was not the sort of thing she'd expected Master Fenister to say. (6.100)

Maybe no one expects this because there's not much to be happy about since the war took so much from people. Master Fenister reminds us that there are two sides to every story—so it's all about finding the positive side and sticking with it.

Quote #5

Cam made a story in his head, the same story again and again, of how it would be when he got to Dorn-Lannet. Free, the Lord would say. Make yourself free. He closed his eyes. (7.4)

See how Cam refers to his past as a story that he is making up in his head? Perhaps that's because he's not really sure what's real anymore, so he compensates by rewriting the story how he thinks it happened. The only problem is, he's not sure what did happen in the first place.

Quote #6

One night, hunting for the pot, I shot a rabbit. When I got up to it, there was no rabbit, but a young woman, an arrow through her throat. (10.36)

Ugh—we can't imagine the toll this takes on your brain. While on the battlefield, nothing is what it seems and everything is open to interpretation because no one is in their normal situation. It's hard to read, but this horrific story explains why Cam is so messed up when he gets home.