The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 10: September 15, 1823 Quotes

The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 10: September 15, 1823 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

He liked the idea that the claw that inflicted his wounds now hung, inanimate, around his neck. Lucky charm, he thought, then fell asleep. (1.10.53)

Like his rifle, Glass's bear-claw necklace becomes another testament to his strength and tenacity. It's also worth noting that it was Jim Bridger—one of the men Glass is hunting down—who slipped the claw into Glass's bag in the first place.

Quote 5

The wolf had never seen an animal like the one that appeared today, but he understood precisely where it fit in the pecking order. (1.10.36)

We love that the narrative makes a brief aside to present the wolf's thoughts on Glass. What's more, the fact that the wolf sees Glass as another "animal" in the frontier's "pecking order" shows how wild our wild man has become. Although really, of course, in a sense we're all just animals in a certain pecking order, no matter how much we may not want to admit it.

Quote 6

With the new crutch, he hoped to make ten or even fifteen miles the next day. Still, something drew him to linger in the fleeting moment of contentment—sated, rested, and warm. (1.10.51)

After getting some rest, healing up, and stealing a buffalo corpse from a band of wolves (long story), Glass finally feels something that resembles peace. It's like a breath of fresh air. Although his ordeal is still far from over, this moment of relaxation feels like a million bucks after the suffering he's endured over the past several weeks.