The Romance of Tristan Part 10 Summary

Mark's Discovery of the Lovers

  • A forester comes across the bower where Tristan and Yseut are sleeping and offers to lead King Mark to it.
  • Mark insists on meeting the forester at the crossroads alone, despite his barons' warning that it is dangerous. He intends to kill Tristan and Yseut when he finds them.
  • The king enters the bower alone with his sword drawn. He decides not to kill them when he sees that they are fully clothed and keep a sword between them.
  • Mark decides that they are not lovers.
  • Afraid that if he wakes them, a fight will ensue, Mark instead takes Yseut's wedding ring and Tristan's sword, leaving his own in their place. He means this as a sign to them that he has been there and that no one wishes them dead.
  • Yseut dreams that while she is in a fancy tent in a forest, two lions approach her but take her by the hand instead of killing her. She wakes up in fright, waking Tristan.
  • When they see the king's sword and ring, the lovers conclude that the king has been there and will return with more men to capture them. They decide to flee to Wales.