The Romance of Tristan Part 9 Summary

Governal's Vengeance

  • Tristan, Yseut, and Governal are constantly on the move, camping in a different place every night to avoid being captured.
  • They have no bread, and their clothes become ragged. Both Tristan and Yseut are sorry about what they're putting the other one through. They both worry that the other will fall out of love.
  • One day, Governal hears the noise of hunting dogs. These dogs belong to one of the three barons whose plotting led to the capture of Tristan and Yseut.
  • Governal hides behind a tree, waiting for the man.
  • Governal leaps out and cuts off the man's head, leaving the body behind.
  • When the baron's men find the body, they believe Tristan has killed him.
  • From then on, no one wants to enter the woods, because they're afraid of Tristan's sword.
  • Governal enters the bower where Tristan lies with Yseut, brandishing the head. Tristan is very happy that Governal has killed the baron.
  • Tristan invents a bow called "Fail Not," a trap for large animals that provides them with many stags to eat.
  • One hot summer day, Tristan comes back to the bower from hunting and decides to take a nap.
  • Tristan and Yseut lie down on a pile of leaves, fully clothed. Tristan places a sword between them.
  • The lovers embrace one another around the sword as they sleep. Yseut wears her gold and emerald wedding ring, and a ray of sun falls on her face.