The Sacred Language and Communication Quotes

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Quote #4

to speak, or to answer, the key
   in having a key
and putting it in, and going. (16-18)

Although this stanza is the final stanza, and it follows a line that suggests the car can take the student away from the "need to speak," these last three lines of the poem embody the dualistic quality of language in this poem. The dual-what? It's sort of like a two-tone car that wants to be two colors at once. In one way, the poem is about how great language is, and how communication brings us together. On the other hand, these last few lines use language as a tool for getting us beyond language to that sacred place where there is no need to "speak, or to answer." It's as if the poem is the embodiment of language in action, both communicating and taking us beyond communication at the same time.