The Seagull Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1

Medvedenko: Why do you always wear black?
Masha: Because I'm in mourning for my life. I'm not happy. (1.1-2)

This famous opening to The Seagull introduces the feelings of regret and dissatisfaction that plague everyone in this play.

Quote #2

Sorin: Just go on living, whether you feel like it or not. (1.16)

The existential despair expressed here links Chekhov to Beckett in some readers' minds. Check out Waiting for Godot to see just what we mean.

Quote #3

Konstantin: That kind of theater is tired, it's all worn out. It's so restrictive!… they try to draw some kind of moral, some nice easy moral, something you wouldn't mind having around the house. (1.28)

Like many creative innovators, the source of Konstantin's new ideas are his dissatisfaction and disgust with the art's status quo.