The Seagull Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1

Konstantin: She's bored. She's also jealous. She already hates me, she hates my play, she hates this performance tonight because she's afraid her writer friend might like Nina… She's angry because Nina's the star of the show and she isn't. (1.24-6)

Arkadina's jealousy of Nina's youth and talent mirror Konstantin's envy of Trigorin's experience and fame.

Quote #2

Konstantin: Oh Uncle… it's awful! She has all these famous people at her parties, writers and actors, and I'm the only one there who isn't famous, and they only tolerate me because I'm her son. (1.30)

While Konstantin criticizes Trigorin for being an attention-seeking hack, he has the same desire for fame and recognition.

Quote #3

Nina: Those wonderful stories he writes!
Konstantin: (coldly) I don't know. I never read them. (1.62-3)

Konstantin is just as fearful as Arkadina that some love connection will happen between Nina and Trigorin.