The Canterbury Tales: The Second Nun's Tale Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used the line numbering found on Librarius's online edition.

Quote #10

The tormentour, but for no maner chaunce
He myghte noght smyte al hir nekke atwo.
And for ther was that tyme an ordinaunce
That no man sholde doon men swich penaunce
The ferthe strook to smyten, softe or soore,
This tormentour ne dorste do namoore.
But half deed, with hir nekke ycorven there,
He lete hir lye, and on his wey is went.
(527 - 534)

This passage's focus on the ordinance that prevents the executioner from taking a fourth stroke is odd. In any case, although the image of Cecilia's halfway decapitated head is a gross one, it's necessary for the passage to emphasize the seriousness of her wound. That way, her survival is all the more miraculous, and obviously a work of God.