The Secret Agent Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

[Ossipon] was scientific, and he gazed scientifically at that woman, the sister of a degenerate, a degenerate herself—of a murdering type. He gazed at her, and invoked Lombroso, as an Italian peasant recommends himself to his favourite saint. He gazed scientifically. He gazed at her cheeks, her nose, at her eyes, at her ears… Bad! ... Fatal!" (12.186).

Ultimately, Ossipon betrays Winnie because he's afraid she'll murder him the same way she murdered her husband. Then again, Ossipon might just be a huge jerk that wants to steal Winnie's money, and all his Lombroso nonsense is just a way to justify his decision to himself. In this sense, Conrad might be criticizing people who use science to justify the crummy things they do.